World Obesity Day

World Obesity Day




Obesity is a known disease that indicates excess body fat accumulated such that health may be adversely affected. Obesity is a condition in which weight exceeds normal levels and affects a person's health. If they weigh more than 20 % of their normal weight, they are said to be "obese." Obesity is categorized according to BMI (Body Mass Index). BMI is a way to measure weight according to a person's height.

The risk of becoming obese is based on these characteristics. Obesity is caused by more than one of these characteristics. 

1)Older group

The prevalence of obesity was higher among older people. These findings were supported by other population-based studies, which reported that older age might be associated with an increased risk of getting obese. The ability to digest food or burn fat gradually decreases as we age.

2) Genetics

Many researchers believe that genetics plays a substantial role in determining whether an individual has weight problems. Studies have found a correlation between parents and child obesity. However, such a correlation may be due to genetic or shared environmental factors. More likely, genetics determines whether one is susceptible to the disease of obesity.



3) People who have a high consumption of fast foods and soft drink 

Fast food consumption is another leading aspect of the population getting obese. A large portion of the fast-food meal can contain about 2200 calories, which would require something near a full marathon to burn at a burn rate of 85–100 calories per mile. Soft drinks contain empty calories from sweeteners or added sugar, contributing to the total caloric intake and leading to adolescent obesity. The soft drink also can cause an increased risk of metabolism disorder. A metabolism order can further lead to heart problems, weight fluctuations, and diabetes.

Effect of Obesity

In particular, it is closely related to the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, formation of specific cancer, respiratory complications and osteoarthritis of large and small joints. Generally, obese people will face a lower quality of life since obesity makes them feel tired and lazy most of the time. They tend to sleep and relax on the couch more than active and slimmer people.

Prevention & Cure 



To prevent overweight and obesity, people should eat and drink according to their nutritional needs, practice regular exercise, and monitor their weight regularly. Try to consume less food with a high energy density and food with high water or fibre content, such as wholegrain products, fruit, and vegetables will help to improve the condition of the obese. Obese people should reduce bad eating habits with alcohol, fast food, and sugary drinks. An inactive lifestyle with frequent sitting watching television or on the internet and similar activities promote weight gain without realizing the impact. 

A study conducted by replacing two of three meals with a liquid and/or solid meal replacement at least two meals with a controlled portion showed more significant weight loss than self-selected diets. Individuals consuming meal replacements lose 7– 8% body weight. It is unclear whether meal replacements are superior to other structured weight-loss approaches that provide menus and recipes. Obese individuals should receive personalized nutritional recommendations adapted to their therapeutic goals and risk profile. To carry out dietary therapy, nutritional counselling (individual or in groups) should be offered within the medical management program. Group sessions are usually more effective than individual sessions. For weight reduction, patients should be recommended forms of nutrition that lead to an energy deficit over a long enough time but do not impair health. 

Obese patients should be offered weight reduction programs adapted to their situation and targeted at the therapeutic goals. The weight reduction programs should include essential elements (exercise, diet, and behavioural therapy). Measures to stabilize body weight long term should take into account aspects of diet, training, and behavioural therapy together with the motivation of the patient involved.



To support weight stabilization, treatments and consultations should be made available over the long term after successful weight loss and should include cognitive behavioural therapy. After a weight reduction period, patients should be advised to maintain an increased level of physical exercise. Experience has shown that almost all patients who carry their weight after weight loss have remained or become physically active. After losing 7 to 14 kg, physically active persons regain half their lost weight within 1 to 2 years.

Another method used to enhance weight loss outcomes is a couple of behavioural and pharmacotherapy approaches. It can be argued that behavioural treatment modifies the external environment, whereas pharmacologic approaches change the internal environment either centrally.



  1. Kopelman, P. G. (2000). Obesity as a medical problem. Nature404(6778), 635-643.
  2. Hill, J. O., Wyatt, H. R., Reed, G. W., & Peters, J. C. (2003). Obesity and the environment: where do we go from here? Science299(5608), 853-855.
  3. Brewer, C. J., & Balen, A. H. (2010). The adverse effects of obesity on conception and implantation. Reproduction, 140(3), 347–364.doi:10.1530/rep-09-0568 
  4. Cheong, S. M., Kandiah, M., Chinna, K., Chan, Y. M., & Saad, H. A. (2010). Prevalence of obesity and factors associated with it in a worksite setting in Malaysia. Journal of community health, 35(6), 698-705.
  5. Sherina, M. S., & Ahmad, R. (2004). Childhood obesity: contributing factors, consequences and intervention. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition10(1), 13-22.
  6. Wirth A, Wabitsch M, Hauner H: Clinical practice guideline: The prevention and treatment of obesity. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2014; 111: 705–13. DOI: 10.3238/arztebl.2014.0705
  7. Foster, G. D., Makris, A. P., & Bailer, B. A. (2005). Behavioral treatment of obesity–. The American journal of clinical nutrition82(1), 230S-235S.
  8. Wirth A, Wabitsch M, Hauner H: Clinical practice guideline: The prevention and treatment of obesity. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2014; 111: 705–13. DOI: 10.3238/arztebl.2014.0705



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