Gastric Pain During Fasting Month of Ramadan

Gastric Pain During Fasting Month of Ramadan

Gastritis or commonly known gastric disease is a disease that is often associated with pain or soreness in the abdomen or heart. The gastric illness is an inflammation that occurs in the surface layer of the stomach. The condition can be caused by a bacterial infection such as Helicobacter Pylori, allergies, smoking or medications such as painkillers, aspirin and traditional medicines that contain steroids.


What are the signs of gastric disease?

Among the signs of gastric disease are:

  • pain in the heart

  • bloated stomach
  • frequent belching
  • nausea and vomiting
  • vomiting blood or black stools


    What do you need to do?

    If you have symptoms of gastric disease, you need to do some of these steps so that it does not linger. Irregular eating habits are often the leading cause of invasive gastric illness. Therefore you are advised to eat according to the schedule and eat in small quantities but in a short period (frequent meals). Identify the factors that cause chronic pain, for example, fizzy drinks, smoking or late eating habits. Then, avoid the causative factors of the disease.

    One culture that is often misunderstood by gastric patients is that taking painkillers can reduce gastric disease. The public should be aware that some painkillers have a chemical that can reduce the production of prostaglandins, thus causing the stomach lining to be quickly eroded by 'gastric acid'. Apart from painkillers, traditional medicine also has chemical components that can cause the production of prostaglandins in the stomach to stagnate. Taking both of these medications can cause worsening gastric disease.


    What should gastric patients practice during Ramadan?


    • Fried food

    • Canned food - due to its high acid content
    • Carbonated drinks
    • Foods that are high in acid - for example lemon, orange, tomato
    • Smoking
    • Drinks high in caffeine such as tea, coffee
    • Sleep as soon as you finish sahur or breakfast
    • Breaking fast in large quantities





      • Breaking the fast in moderate quantities, and avoid eating. For example, breaking the fast with dates and a glass of water and then the Maghrib prayer first. Then eat half a plate of rice, steamed fish along with vegetables and fruits. Finish terawikh, eat fruit, oatmeal biscuits or bread.
      • Menyegerakan berbuka dan melewatkan sahur; seperti yang diriwayatkan di dalam hadis Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam bersabda:


      إنا معاشر الأنبياء أمرنا بتعجيل فطرنا وتأخير سحورنا

      "Indeed, we the Prophets were ordered to hasten to break the fast (as soon as the time came) and delay Suhoor." (Majma 'az-Zawa'id, no. 2609. Says al-Haitsami, "Hadith narrated by ath-Thabrani in al-Kabir and his narrator's narrator of the book Sahih.")


      'Amr B. Maimun al-Audi stated," The companions of Muhammad Shallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam are the people who are the most hasty in breaking the fast and the last (late) in sahur." (Ibn Hajar, Fathul Bari Syarah Shahih al-Bukhari, 4/199)

      Patients are advised to take the medication given during sahur; if given once a day. During breaking fast and Suhoor; for medicine twice a day.

      • Eat baked goods better than fried ones.
      • Drink at least 2.5 litres of plain water throughout the night during Ramadan.
      • Drink milk or non-acidic fruit water such as bananas during sahur.
      • Eat more complex carbohydrate foods such as brown rice, almonds, oats.


      If you look tired, lethargic and pale. It is because the complications of gastritis are bleeding in the stomach as well as an iron deficiency for the formation of haemoglobin (red blood).

      Studies show the highest acid content at noon. Therefore, if you have severe heartburn, please consult a doctor as fasting may be harmful. However, it should not be used as an excuse not to fast during Ramadan if the things practised and avoided as discussed above are not complied with.





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