How To Stay Healthy During Raya Season

How To Stay Healthy During Raya Season

We will celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri soon. Normally, there are various dishes such as rendang, ketupat, and raya cookies will be served. Have you ever wondered how to continue your healthy daily routine during Eid? It is easy with 5 tips below!


  1. Control your eating frequency

Plan your day by knowing how many houses you will be visiting, so you can gauge how much you should be eating at each place. If you have two houses to go to, then you can probably plan your lunch and dinner. If however, you have ten homes to go to, then it should go without saying that you shouldn’t have a full plate of food each time! Be smart about it.



  1. Breakfast is a must

Another smart thing to do would be to have breakfast before leaving for a full day of open houses. While you may think it is a good idea to start your day with an empty stomach, you will be starving and may eat more than what you need for the whole day! So do line your stomach with something light.


  1. Healthier choice of meal

Besides being mindful of how much you eat, it would help if you also kept an eye on what you eat. Train yourself to go for the healthier dishes. For example, take the fresh fruit instead of the baked goods. Having some protein at every meal is good as it’ll keep you satiated and reduce your cravings for the sweet and unhealthier stuff.


  1. Stay hydrated

Don’t forget to keep hydrated. It is easy to forget to drink, so make a conscious effort to drink your fill of water, not sweet and fizzy drinks. Apart from water being very important to your health, it also serves a purpose in helping you not to overeat.



  1. Keep yourself active

And although you are on your Raya break, it’s no excuse to forget the exercise. Even a walk around your housing area is better than nothing. A short walk with your loved one, for sure going to make you feel better and stay active. Raya season is complete with foods and joy, but do not allow this beautiful season to turn you to be less productive!


Let's continue to practice a healthy daily routine during this festive season!

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