Music Therapy And Its Effects On Mental And Physical
Music is produced from the sounds that exist around us. The variety of sounds, from the chirping of birds and sea waves to vehicles' noise on the road, can create a certain soundtrack if arranged in a certain way. For most individuals, it can bring joy and self-motivation, be a companion in times of difficulty, and reduce depression and anxiety.
What is music therapy?
Music therapy is a matter that involves trained and certified therapy professionals to use music clinically and evidence-based to achieve the objectives of each different individual.
It is used to reduce pain to patients, offer the ability to express themselves without using words, and simplify calming down through singing, playing an instrument, writing a song, or just listening to it. It is believed to affect emotions and can improve neurochemistry in the body, including good endorphins.
This therapy is also known as active music therapy or passive music therapy, showing the ability to improve motor control and emotional function in patients with various diseases or disabilities. From schizophrenia cases to Parkinson's disease, its use seems to help reduce the natural symptoms of mental health problems such as depression or anxiety. Besides, it can also increase creativity and enhance communication between patients and caregivers and various other benefits.
The American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) says this form of treatment can help promote better well-being, manage stress, reduce pain, express feelings, improve memory, improve communication, and promote physical recovery. Most of the time, it is directly used because it is more flexible and offers greater interaction opportunities between therapists and patients.
This therapy is different from the process of producing music or any other teaching because it is not something based on education. For example, this therapy results are not about teaching patients how to play instruments or reading musical notes. Instead, this therapy focuses more on focusing patients on moving towards achieving their best potential.
What are the effects of music therapy?
Physical effects
For children and adolescents who have cancer or other illnesses, pain is difficult to imagine and bear - no matter how much medication is given. There is time, the medication given may not be enough to cover the pain. By listening to and playing instruments, including songwriting and singing, pain may be reduced.
This therapy can relieve pain and reduce stress and anxiety in patients, leading to physiological changes, such as:
- Improves respiration
- Lower blood pressure
- Improves heart function
- Improves heart rate
- Provides relief to tense muscles
This therapy is believed to significantly affect the effectiveness of the patient's treatment, including reducing pain, providing serenity, improving respiratory rate, and lowering anxiety levels.
Impact on mental
Being in the hospital, especially to children, can be a scary and horrible, especially involving cancer-related health problems or other serious illnesses. One of the impacts of being in a hospital is stress, which can create health problems.
Among the common symptoms of stress are:
- Headache
- Muscle pain or tension
- Chest ache
- Fatigue
- Disorders in the stomach
- Sleep problems
Among the effects of stress on emotions:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Lack of rest
- Lack of motivation to focus
- Mixed feeling
- Anger
Among the effects of stress on behavior:
- Overreact or vice versa
- Extreme anger
- Isolation
In conclusion, this music therapy will help an individual, especially children, improve the ability and skills to handle and manage pain. Besides, it can also help reduce any related stress that arises.
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